Sunday, April 15, 2012

In Which the Protagonist(?) Muses About Stuff

Wow, there's pretty much nothing on my mind today that I want to blog about.

[Mind-wandering starts here]. I've done some work on a video project for one of my classes which involves writing a piece of music. And I miss it. I started writing music with Garageband on my Macbook almost from the first day I got the machine, and it's consistently been one of my favorite uses. Granted, it's all pretty much canned instruments, but I enjoy it a lot. I even put together a cover track for a parody with some college friends.

I also miss writing a lot. I have this tendency to stay up till 5:00am writing when I'm on a roll, and that's not really something I can do when I have stuff to get up for every morning. I also have a bad habit of both overestimating the time I have to get things done and underestimating my ability to accomplish necessary things in that time frame.

What's useful about doing this daily blogging thing is that it forces me to sit down every day and do some writing, even if it's not particularly good writing. I do have to say that the idea for this came both from relatively faceless internet sources (read: articles by writers) and from my friend Evan, who now co-writes a blog over at Culture War Reporters. In the last few years he's started up a few blogging projects, including one that involved a specific time period during which he obliged himself to blog about something every day. Sound familiar?

That's about all. As a parting note, if you've never heard of Tobuscus or doubt his inhuman levels of awesome, watch this video. And if you've never heard of Minecraft or don't like that, you're a lost cause, and most everything I say on this blog is probably boring or annoying to you.

Shrugging off.

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