I spent much of my morning messing around with Scrivener, a word processor on steroids. It has some nice organizational tools, but isn't ideal to transfer existing documents into. Which is what I was doing, of course.
I'm just working with a trial right now. We'll see where it goes. -shrugs-
I'm not really prepared for another marathon blog post about writing, so I'll give you a break today.
In other news, my excitement for this weekend's beta event does not wane. A new Rocket Summer album came out today, and I want it. But the money, and the not spending it, and the infinite sadness.
My sister recently started watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. You know, the show that made bronies out of grown men? I can see the appeal, but not when she's been marathoning the whole show over the course of a few days. Then it's just kind of obnoxious. It's less so when you're watching it.
So I guess I just admitted to having watched it. -shrugs- No big deal.
Saw the new Legend of Korra today. That show just keeps getting better. Oh man. Nerdout. What really makes me happy is that Nickelodeon is being smart and posting (most of) their episodes online. That way they can make the money that would otherwise be lost to piracy. Because face it, people are going to watch this show online. It's awesome. The themes are slightly more mature than in Airbender, and the characters echo archetypes from that show while possessing their own personalities. So yeah, I like that show.
Gotta go.
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