Sunday, July 1, 2012

Transcribed From a Blue Notebook

I blog differently than I journal.  The variance is self-explanatory:  no one else is going to read my journal entries.  If you can believe it, I'm more serous with myself than with others.  Any humor I use against myself is really dry.  My journal also predictably consists of deep thoughts about internal issues, like my walk with the Lord, my struggle with sexual purity in my thought life, and logistics of job-getting, time management, and wedding plans (before I got married).  There's also a lot of writing plans, impromptu poems, and analysis of the themes of my own writing.

Sometimes I write letters to myself, in a meta sort of self-address that can be useful for jarring myself back into a mindset that's healthier.  To be honest, that's part of why I talk about my issues on a public blog.  It helps me stop being an idiot, which if you know me at all you know I need sometimes.

There's another reason I'll admit my flaws on a blog like this:  I don't want to be the kind of person who has something to hide.  Secrets, as I have been told, can fester.  So yes, I have sexually impure thoughts, and some strong prejudicial tendencies, both of which I strive to turn on their heads.  But I'm also the writer you've been reading for however long you've been reading this blog.  And by the way, thank you for that.  I appreciate it.  My dream to write and be heard and appreciated has been lifelong, and the dozen or so folks who take the time to read my words are a blessed first step.

I'm writing this blog on paper first, in case you skipped over the title.  That's because I'm in a car on the way to Chicago.  Family vacation has begun.  This means I might not get a blog in every day a week or so.  This post itself might be late.
I think my brain works differently when I'm hardly on the computer all day.  My macbook hasn't been on yet today (at the moment I'm writing this (but now I'm transcribing it so it have)).  I still caught Homestuck updates and played a Facebook game, but that's largely because my family got home quite a bit later than expected.

What I really want for these long car rides is a new book or two to read.  The trouble with that is the money, specifically, the me not having any to spare.  So I need to make money.

But I'm on a vacation with family.  Kinda hard to drive around applying for jobs on vacation.  Oh well, I'm going to enjoy this week for what it is.

In that vein, I'm gonna go.  Enjoy your first day of July, even if it's come and gone for you.


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