Monday, May 21, 2012

Brawl, Job Searches, and Hearthstead

So I said I played Brawl yesterday.  Do I really have to explain to you how it's a good game?  It is.  Especially when played with friends.  Though it is pretty boring to play alone.  But I've got other games for that.

It's been a little over a week since I graduated, and I've had my time to recover.  Now I get to start ramping up my job search until something clicks.  I've never felt good about job searches, mostly because I'm a socially awkward penguin.  Pray for me.  I'll need it.

The other thing I need to do is get a good habit going of spending specific times writing, both so I can avoid having to punch myself in front of a camera and so I can have that time set aside to work on my various writing projects—one of which is on a deadline.

The world of Hearthstead was created by my cousin and me, and I have a passion for the telling of its stories.  The comic I'm working on, the novel I'm revising, and a number of other side projects are related to that universe, but I don't want to fully expose it to the world until it's ready.

Hopefully my audience can wait until then.

Shrug off.

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