Had Culver's tonight. That was yummy. Also had conversations about faith and life and country music with a good friend. These are marks of a good life.
I don't really have a topic for today's blog post. I'm writing it as I wait to pick up my little sister from youth group. These are all trappings of an older life, tinged at the edges with slivers of surrealism. As I've mentioned, my sister's a teenager now, and acting like it. Yes, I remember changing her diapers. Not like yesterday, but still.
I'm getting ready to read an obscure book written in the 1870s. I'm kind of super-excited about it. It's a sequel. Think Dickens in America, and you'll be close.
I also reached about half-way through my revision of the Hearthstead novel. Once I get through it (or maybe before) I can incorporate the suggestions of my co-world builder and submit it to NaNoWriMo to get a hold of five copies. At least three of those are already accounted for, so if you're interested and you aren't direct family or a close friend of our family, you'll have to first-come first-serve. If there's enough demand I'm open to selling self-published copies, though I'll need to be compensated before publishing. I'll probably have more to say about that in about a month, after I've finished the revision process. If you're really interested now, though, definitely get a hold of me.
God bless you tonight, tomorrow, and till He comes.
That goes for me too!
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