Friday, December 14, 2012

More Extended Breaktime Thoughts

The temptation when blogging on a phone during the breaks at work is to complain. Not necessarily to complain about work, but that doesn't excuse it. Instead let's talk about writing.

The books I've read and classes I've taken indicate a writer must most often make time for writing rather than merely discover it or act on inspiration. I am if the opinion that inspiration should be neither ignored nor depended upon. It is too fleeting and too picky. So I guess I agree with my education:  it is best for a writer to arrange for acts of creation to take place. 

The trouble is I am not acting on this sage advice. I spend much if my day gaming or reading articles when I am home from work, and at work I have an hour of time free to do my own bidding. As of yesterday I am trying to spend at least a large chunk of that time blogging, but this doesn't account for my hours if dereliction at home. For that, I think there are a few more hurdles to overcome than simply typing into a phone rather than playing Angry Bird Ninja Jetpack on it.

I have expressed both publicly and privately that I would prefer to stay at home and write rather than tire myself it and punish my joints for fifteen cents an hour more than minimum wage. The self-same poor home habits as I have now wouldn't go away if I quit my job.

So I guess the solution is to man up and type words into a computer whenever I get the chance. Here goes.

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