Friday, April 6, 2012

A Good Day

We are dust. You may have heard the statistic that an adult human's body broken down into component compounds would sell for $20 on the market. Some scientists like to say that we're stardust. Regardless, we're a bit more than just the carbon and water and oxygen and aught else that makes up our bodies. We are, as Shakespeare once wrote, "the beauty of the world" and "the paragon of animals." But the conclusion of that praise, calling us a "quintessence of dust," is not a flattering proclamation.

It is good to remember that we were fashioned from the stuff of the earth. It reminds us of our true worldly ties, and it puts a check on our belief in "our better angels," as another wordsmith of the English language put it.

Today is Good Friday. For Christians like me, that means it's a pretty somber day. It's the day we remember Jesus's death. I've been relatively happy today. Earlier, I had some moments of distress, as I thought about my need for a job once I graduate, and worried about my future, but during the Good Friday service, as communion came around, I became eager.

I'm usually anxious or a bit depressed when it comes time for communion. It's rare for me to be eager to celebrate what Christ has done for me pursue His purpose in my life. When I put it that way it sounds odd, but there it is. For just this moment, I'm excited to be a Christian and to be going out into the wide world at this time in history. I want to shine for Him. This is a big deal for me, because I've always been reluctant about the whole ministry thing.

The emotion is temporary, I'm sure, but I mean to retain this attitude.

Sorry for all the seriousness. Well, that's a lie. I'm not sorry. Deal with it. :P

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