Friday, May 18, 2012

Just an Update, I Guess

Helped my Grandpa with a lot of stuff today.  That was good.  Then I hung out with my family.  That was also good.  Now I'm eating dinner with my family.  This, too, is good.  My life is good right now.  Praise the Lord.

I've done a great deal of driving in the week since my graduation, and I haven't quite stopped being emotionally tired.  I think I will, eventually.  I hope so.  Or at least I'll get used to it.  We'll see.  At the moment I'm happy but things feel off.

Part of this is I haven't quite felt an opening to crack into my writing projects (of which, as I've mentioned, I have copious amounts).  I guess I could get into that while the family's together watching something, or some such, but I prefer to work in the quiet (or sheathed in a musical barrier).  I'm hoping that changes, too, because I really want to work on my writing.  We'll see.  I guess that's my phrase for today.


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